Classes, teachers

with Andrea Básti
on wednesdays
2 hours
I was born in Rimaszombat (formerly Hungary, now Slovakia) on September 2, 1987. When I was in high school, I had the opportunity to perform in the musical Jungle Book at Thália Theatre in Kosice. After graduating from high school, I was accepted at the Gór Nagy Mária Theatre School in Budapest as well as the Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Humanities, where I majored in Hungarian. At the end of my third year at GNM, I was awarded the László Mensáros Prize. After graduating from the Theatre School, I became a member of Thália Theatre in Kosice, and later that of József Attila Theatre in Budapest, of which I’m still a member. In January 2018, I got an MA diploma from Pannon University as a teacher of Hungarian and drama pedagogy.
As a drama teacher and director, my primary goal is to help Baltazar Arts Centre’s acting students to deepen their respect for and interest in theatre. In my lessons I try to motivate my students and help them develop skills through which they can experience a sense of achievement. Aside from all the playing, I also try to create high quality performances, so that I can use them to bring my students into the more intimate spheres of the theatrical world.