None of Picasso’s paintings bears the title Creation of the World. Our story of Adam and Eve was created after his imaginary brushstrokes. The heavenly bliss of a mother’s lap is outlined against the empty canvas, while the drama of creation becomes embodied in the first human couple. Their passion slumbers around their lowest vertebra and their desire reaches sky-high. You need a ladder to reach it. They climb step by step up the rungs of can and can’t, stopping level with the crowns of the trees. The fruit is theirs, and with it the fall. Every newborn carries the pain of touching ground. The task of reversing their fortune awaits them: the real challenge, my children, is to create an eden outside of Eden.
Horváth Szilvia,
Janzsó Cecília,
Keresztes Anna,
Kovács Veronika,
Medetz Attila,
Rafael Erzsébet,
Szilvásy Márton,
Taligás Anna,
Vörös Ferenc
Jelmez: B.Kiss Gabriella
Díszlet: Preisich Anikó, Flamm György
Fény: Bánki Gabi
Hang: Szabó Ferenc
Smink: Nagy Réka
Haj: Kanizsai Lászlóné Csöpi
Koreográfus: Vass Lajos
Rendező: Elek Dóra
Grafikus: Hübner Teodóra
PR: Papp Beáta
Műszak: Fehér István, Csima Gergő